Invoice API

Invoice API

Invoice Solution API

This document includes sample data and responses. For more information on the JSON to be sent in the body of

various requests, please refer to the request body (via the inspect manager) in your browser.

How To: Retrieve a Set of Invoices

GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice?limit= Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Body { "invoices": [ { "business_name": "minim est laboris", "currency": "CAD", "description": "velit in exercitation ", "due_date": "3531-08-23T03:48:44.205Z", "items": [ { "amount": 21205659, "price": 36802057, "quantity": 86105452 }, { "amount": 75168813, "price": 28006167, "quantity": 77763053 } ], "recipient_email": "non id adipisicing occaecat ut", "sub_total": 4276908, "support_email": "id enim magna amet", "support_phone_number": "sit incididunt proident quis", "total": 86155452 }, { "business_name": "dolore", "currency": "CAD", "description": "dolore elit", "due_date": "4058-01-07T13:55:08.748Z", "items": [ { "amount": 58142303, "price": 95874711, "quantity": 33654873 }, { "amount": 12219611, "price": 85181105, "quantity": 39277805, "item": "eiusmod dolore Lorem aliqua", "discount": false, "tax2": { "percentile": false, "amount": 72115005 }, "tax1": { "percentile": false } }, { "amount": 40940975, "price": 88962037, "quantity": 91777342, "discount": false, "tax1": { "percentile": false } } ], "recipient_email": "et sit", "sub_total": 70297709, "support_email": "ipsum mollit culpa dolore ut", "support_phone_number": "anim est irure magna ullamco", "total": 27483070, "title": "quis labore" }, { "business_name": "deserunt temp", "currency": "CAD", "description": "Ut pariatur veniam mollit laboris", "due_date": "4547-08-27T09:50:05.575Z", "items": [ { "amount": 26003082, "price": 20071213, "quantity": 71668202, "discount": false }, { "amount": 78488376, "price": 76528102, "quantity": 46544365, "tax2": { "percentile": false }, "tax1": { "percentile": false } } ], "recipient_email": "dolor", "sub_total": -93202187, "support_email": "sunt deserunt dolor", "support_phone_number": "tempor reprehenderit in", "total": 88580010, "business_city": "Duis eiusmod", "company": "enim Lorem minim occaecat" }, { "business_name": "consequat incididunt", "currency": "CAD", "description": "irure proident ", "due_date": "2993-11-20T10:31:58.241Z", "items": [ { "amount": 15229749, "price": 86517784, "quantity": 74153427, "tax2": { "percentile": false, "amount": 4247601 }, "discount": false, "tax1": { "percentile": false } } ], "recipient_email": "eiusmod", "sub_total": 52722642, "support_email": "cupidatat nulla", "support_phone_number": "velit culpa quis", "total": 75387860 } ] }


How To: Create a New Invoice

POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Body { "due_date":1549958399000, "title":"", "language":"ENGLISH", "description":"New Invoice 55", "logo_image_path":"invoice_logos/INVOICE_LOGO_17538_1510.png", "business_name":"James Bond Business", "business_address1":"Address line 1. Address line 2", "business_address2":"", "business_city":"Vancouver", "business_state":"British Columbia", "business_country":"Canada", "business_postal_code":"g4d8y6", "support_email":"ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "support_phone_number":"9888175447", "customer_id":1271438, "customer_lookup_id":"YOLm9lxgMNjmNdz6Z2pk", "recipient_email":"ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "recipient_first_name":"Ravinder", "recipient_last_name":"Kainth", "order_id":"", "items": [ { "item":"Item 1", "quantity":"10", "price":10, "tax1": { "percentile":true, "amount":0.5 }, "tax2": { "percentile":true, "amount":2 }, "amount":100, "discount":false } ], "sub_total":100, "currency":"CAD", "tax1":0.5, "tax1_label":"Tax1", "tax2":2, "tax2_label":"Tax2", "total":102.5, "status":"Unpaid", "invoice_id":"", "resend_invoice":true }


How To: Create a New Invoice (Draft)

POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/draft Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Body { "due_date":1549958399000, "title":"Draft Invoice", "language":"ENGLISH", "description":"New Invoice 55", "logo_image_path":"invoice_logos/INVOICE_LOGO_17538_1510.png", "business_name":"James Bond Business", "business_address1":"Address line 1. Address line 2", "business_address2":"", "business_city":"Vancouver", "business_state":"British Columbia", "business_country":"Canada", "business_postal_code":"g4d8y6", "support_email":"ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "support_phone_number":"9888175447", "customer_id":1271438, "customer_lookup_id":"YOLm9lxgMNjmNdz6Z2pk", "recipient_email":"ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "recipient_first_name":"Ravinder", "recipient_last_name":"Kainth", "order_id":"", "items": [ { "item":"Item 1", "quantity":"10", "price":10, "tax1": { "percentile":true, "amount":0.5 }, "tax2": { "percentile":true, "amount":2 }, "amount":100, "discount":false } ], "sub_total":100, "currency":"CAD", "tax1":0.5, "tax1_label":"Tax1", "tax2":2, "tax2_label":"Tax2", "total":102.5, "status":"Unpaid", "invoice_id":"", "resend_invoice":true }


How To: Retrieve Invoices for a Specific Customer

GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/customer/customer_id_here?limit= Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Response Sample { "invoices": [ { "business_name": "voluptate", "currency": "CAD", "description": "laboris", "due_date": "4916-06-08T21:43:53.742Z", "items": [ { "amount": 52118831, "price": 10585243, "quantity": 9188639 }, { "amount": 90270953, "price": 33201694, "quantity": 30082123, "tax2": { "percentile": false } } ], "recipient_email": "cupidatat deserunt culpa velit", "sub_total": 87403083, "support_email": "tempor", "support_phone_number": "Lorem", "total": 13381180 }, { "business_name": "in deserunt commodo tempor eiusmod", "currency": "USD", "description": "in laborum do voluptate", "due_date": "2375-04-03T16:43:12.236Z", "items": [ { "amount": 73345847, "price": 87788734, "quantity": 56505832, "tax1": { "percentile": false, "amount": 99891139 } }, { "amount": 14155827, "price": 3169245, "quantity": 75793364 } ], "recipient_email": "esse", "sub_total": 62469, "support_email": "ad Duis anim", "support_phone_number": "in aute", "total": 10610020, "business_city": "dolor sint", "recipient_first_name": "fugiat velit reprehenderit culpa " }, { "business_name": "sit ex", "currency": "CAD", "description": "voluptate occaecat ipsum", "due_date": "2591-01-30T12:44:49.897Z", "items": [ { "amount": 73710998, "price": 11112996, "quantity": 90545291 }, { "amount": 71481433, "price": 75895451, "quantity": 90806548 }, { "amount": 7334195, "price": 36953280, "quantity": 70363194, "tax2": { "percentile": false, "amount": 26050468 }, "item": "do cupidatat id", "tax1": { "percentile": false }, "discount": false }, { "amount": 31094607, "price": 47045855, "quantity": 57280184, "tax2": { "percentile": false }, "discount": false, "tax1": { "percentile": false, "amount": 74074788 } } ], "recipient_email": "dolor eu enim aliqua dolor", "sub_total": -65427494, "support_email": "id voluptate", "support_phone_number": "laboris eiusmod", "total": 30645866, "tax2_label": "labore esse enim", "email_message": "aute", "business_country": "velit in in" }, { "business_name": "exercitation enim", "currency": "CAD", "description": "tempor", "due_date": "4124-06-18T22:07:03.946Z", "items": [ { "amount": 88085144, "price": 7236757, "quantity": 81684860, "discount": false }, { "amount": 14762525, "price": 96923105, "quantity": 59513772, "item": "nostrud" } ], "recipient_email": "incididunt ut ipsum", "sub_total": 4847582, "support_email": "elit aute consectetur ut", "support_phone_number": "aliquip", "total": 45785781, "order_id": "eu et", "tax1_label": "dolor eiusmod ad" }, { "business_name": "aliquip", "currency": "CAD", "description": "nisi", "due_date": "3033-08-23T06:47:56.317Z", "items": [ { "amount": 59892726, "price": 16546646, "quantity": 74894792, "item": "tempor", "tax1": { "percentile": false, "amount": 85001526 }, "discount": false } ], "recipient_email": "irure", "sub_total": 33920695, "support_email": "occaecat proident", "support_phone_number": "ullamco non", "total": 15477362, "customer_id": -15595687, "billing_state": "sit in esse", "business_address2": "sed consequat eiusmod" } ] }


How To: Retrieve a Specific Invoice

GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Response Sample { "invoice_id": 212947, "status": "UNPAID", "description": "New Invoice 55", "created_date": 1549912952000, "due_date": 1549958399000, "resend_invoice": true, "language": "ENGLISH", "logo_image_path": "invoice_logos/INVOICE_LOGO_17538_1510.png", "business_name": "James Bond Business", "business_address1": "Address line 1. Address line 2", "business_city": "Vancouver", "business_state": "British Columbia", "business_country": "Canada", "business_postal_code": "g4d8y6", "support_email": "ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "support_phone_number": "9888175447", "customer_id": 1271438, "recipient_email": "ravinder.singh@payfirma.com", "recipient_first_name": "Ravinder", "recipient_last_name": "Kainth", "items": [ { "item": "Item 1", "quantity": 10, "price": 10, "tax1": { "percentile": true, "amount": 0.5 }, "tax2": { "percentile": true, "amount": 2 }, "amount": 100, "discount": false } ], "sub_total": 100, "currency": "CAD", "tax1": 0.5, "tax1_label": "Tax1", "tax2": 2, "tax2_label": "Tax2", "total": 102.5 }


How To: Send an Email

POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here/send Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Response Sample { "email_address": "email_address_here" }


How To: Send an Email to a Specific Email Address

POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here/send/email_address_here Headers Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer Response Sample { "email_address": "email_address_here" }


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