API: Transaction
Charge a credit card for a payment amount. You can also associate a customer profile with the sale and charge a stored credit card.
To encrypt your credit card information, use our Payfirma Card Encryption Javascript library to generate a secure and encrypted card token to be used with any of our transaction methods.
Create a sale
Request a credit card payment
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
sending_receipt | Whether or not a transaction will send a receipt to the customer email provided. Is set as true as the default option. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using a new card
Request a credit card payment.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using the default card
Request a credit card payment and associate it with a new or existing customer profile
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Response:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using a stored card
Request a credit card payment based on the card information you stored with an existing customer profile
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Put a hold on a credit card so that you can confirm the funds will be available for a future payment, using the capture operation.
Create an authorization
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount.
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
sending_receipt | Whether or not a transaction will send a receipt to the customer email provided. Is set as true as the default option. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using a new card
Request a credit card payment
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using the default card
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount and associate it with a new or existing customer profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using a stored card
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount on a card that you stored with an existing customer profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Use the hold you put on a credit card to complete the payment and request the funds from the card.
Capture transaction with original Id
Release the hold you put on a credit card balance and request the final payment amount.
URI Parameters |
transaction_id REQUIRED | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Send the payment back to the credit card.
Create a refund
Refund a sale or capture transaction by using the transaction ID.
URI Parameters |
transaction_id REQUIRED | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa. |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id string | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
transaction_success boolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Get a list of all the transactions that have been made according to conditions you can specify.
Retrieve all transactions for a specific account
Request a list of all the successful and failed transactions that have been made with your account(s) according to parameters you specify.
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
from_date | Optional start date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date | Optional end date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
transaction_status | List of comma-separated statuses. Choices: PENDING, APPROVED, DECLINED. |
channel | List of comma-separated channels. Choices are: VT, MOBILE, TABLET_POS, E_COMMERCE, RECURRING, or INVOICE. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities': [
'amount': 10.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,
'paging': {
'cursors': {
Retrieve all transactions for a specific user
Request a list of all the successful and failed transactions that have been made with your account(s) for one user according to parameters you specify.
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
from_date | Optional start date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date | Optional end date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
transaction_status | List of comma-separated statuses. Choices: PENDING, APPROVED, DECLINED. |
channel | List of comma-separated channels. Choices are: VT, MOBILE, TABLET_POS, E_COMMERCE, RECURRING, or INVOICE. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities': [
'amount': 10.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,
'paging': {
'cursors': {
Retrieve individual transaction
Query one transaction by providing the transaction ID
URI Parameters |
transaction_id | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'amount': 1.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,