API - All pages
Guide: Getting Started
The Merrco Payfirma API is a RESTful web service that uses HTTP GET & POST transfer methods with JSON messaging format for all requests to and responses from the server.
There are four(4) services within the API:
Step 1. Authorization : - Request a Bearer Token for your merchant account to include in the header of all your requests to the other services.
Step 2. Customer : - Create customer objects and use them to store credit card information or set them up on subscription plans.
Step 3. Plan : - Set up and manage multiple recurring payment plans so you can create subscriptions.
Step 4. Transactions : - Make different credit card payments, including sales and refunds, and get information on those transactions.
Our API uses HTTP response codes for all requests. Response codes in the 2xx range indicate success; codes in the the 4xx range indicate that there is something either missing in or wrong with the parameters of the request, and those in the 5xx range indicate a server error from the API. Each response code contains a message with more information to help diagnose the cause of the error.
However, not all errors map cleanly onto HTTP response codes. When a request is valid but does not complete successfully, we return a 402 error code.
PCI Compliance
When you process payments with our API, you can rest assured it’s secure and PCI-compliant. Sensitive customer data is always tokenized to reduce your PCI scope. We require that all traffic to our API is with a secured and current SSL certificate, and we recommend that you never store credit card data (i.e. credit card number, expiry month, expiry year and CVV/CVC) anywhere other than with the Customer Service.
PCI DSS V3.2 Overview (April 2016)
Build and Maintain a Secure Network and Systems |
Protect Cardholder Data |
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program |
Implement Strong Access Control Measures |
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks | 10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data |
Maintain an Information Security Policy | 12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel |
To develop with the Merrco Payfirma API, there are some things you need to do.
Step 1. Sign up for an account
Go to https://www.payfirma.com/signup or call 1 (800) 747-6883 and ask for a Payment Advisor to set up a Demo Account for you.
Step 2. Create your Client ID & Client Secret
You’re going to need a set of credentials to send to our authorization service in order to identify your account. These credentials are your client ID and client secret, which you can create and manage in "Settings – eCommerce" within your PayHQ account.
Step 3. Review the guide and API reference
Our guide is designed to help you plan out your project and understand which functions of the API you’ll need to use to build out the different use cases. The API Reference provides the request and response structures with detailed code examples in 10 languages.customert Advisors by calling 1-800-747-6883, and you’ll need to get access to the production PayHQ account for the primary experience that you’re looking for.
Step 4. Set up your SSL or TLS certificate
We require a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TSL) certificate for use with all of our API. This allows you to protect customer data as it is being transmitted to and from the web server. These certificates can be purchased from a variety of vendors, including your service provider or host, as well as other hosting domains and locations.
All server-side communication must be conducted using the HTTPS protocol and enabled by an SSL or TSL certificate so that Merrco Payfirma and PayHQ can handle PCI compliance.
Step 5. Develop with a demo account
Please also note that your account will be configured such that odd dollar amounts for all transactions will be approved, and all transactions with even dollar amounts will be declined. Fake card numbers like 4111-1111-1111-1111 and 4242-4242-4242-4242 will be accepted as long as they have a valid expiry month, expiry year, and CVV/CVC.
Your demo accounts is connected to a live mail server so any emails included in your transaction requests will receive emailed receipts unless you specify otherwise in your requests.
Step 6. Move to production
The primary owner of the business will need to set up a merchant account with one of our payment advisors by calling 1-800-747-6883, and you’ll need to get access to the production PayHQ account from the primary business owner. You should then reconfirm that the client ID & client secret matches your production account.
Guide: Walkthrough
Traffic Authentication
The Authorization Service requires the Basic Token in the header while the Transaction, Customer and Plan Services require a Bearer Token. All requests to the Authorization Service will need to point to the root endpoint or url https://auth.payfirma.com and requests to the other services will be addressed to https://apigateway.payfirma.com.
Get your Bearer Token
Step 1. Get your Client ID & Client Secret from your PayHQ account by going to Settings – eCommerce.
Step 2. Using Base64 encoding, combine the Client ID & Client Secret together with a colon in between to acquire your Basic Token for your header.
Step 3. Use your Basic Token with your Client ID and Client Secret to get your Bearer Token from the Client Credentials Grant.
Step 4. Set up a recurring request to get your Bearer Token based on the validity timeframe that you set for your Client ID & Client Secret. The default validity that we recommend is 12 hours. This can be changed in Settings - eCommerce when you create or edit a Client ID and Client Secret.
Step 3.
curl https://auth.payfirma.com/oauth/token
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
--header "Authorization: Basic {BASIC_TOKEN}"
--data "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={CLIENT_SECRET}"
Get your Merchants Bearer Token
Step 1. Set up your Partner OAuth flow with PayHQ by sending us your selected business name, an image url for your business with a square format, and the callback URI to your Merrco or Payfirma point of contact.
Step 2. Set up an invokable Authorization function in your application to get the short-lived authorization code when your Merchants complete the sign-in and authorization process.
Step 3. Make an Authorization Code Grant request with the Authorization code from Step 2
Step 4. Store the Bearer and Refresh Tokens for each Merchant
Step 5. Use the Token Refresh Grant to request a new Access Token either based of receiving a 401 error for an invalid token, or based off the time validity of the Bearer Token. Please note that Bearer Tokens are valid for 12 hours and the Refresh Token can only be used to refresh the Bearer token once with a new Refresh token provided with a successful Refresh Token Grant request.
Step 3.
curl https://auth.payfirma.com/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=Grf5pV&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com&state=xyzABC123
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
--header "Authorization: Basic {BASIC_TOKEN}"
Step 4.
{"access_token":"{BEARER_TOKEN}","token_type": "Bearer","refresh_token": "955d8714-f1d6-49d6-830a-2d221631a2b3", "expires_in": 1199, "merchant_id": "01234abcde", "scope": "invoice ecom"}
Step 5.
curl https://auth.payfirma.com/oauth/token?grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=41c128f2-b2e2-4d85-9443-b6e37d02a482&client_id={CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={CLIENT_SECRET}
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Simple Transactions
Sales and Authorizations can be completed on their own, while a Capture transaction requires an Authorization transaction and a Refund requires either a Sale or Capture.
Charge a card
Step 1. Use the Bearer Token as your Authorization header and make sure to provide all the card parameters required for a regular sale transaction along with the different request URL.
curl https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/sale
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer{BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data "{
"amount": 10.99,
"currency": "CAD",
"card_expiry_month": 11,
"card_number": "4111111111111111",
"cvv2": 595
Authorize a hold and then capture the payment
Step 1. Use the Bearer Token as your Authorization header and make sure to provide all the card parameters required for a regular sale transaction along with the different request URL. The hold will stay on the card for between 5-30 business days depending on the policy of the cardholder’s bank.
Step 2. Use the ID field from the transaction response to finalize the payment and request funds. You will still be able to request a payment even if the hold has expired, but you run the risk of the funds not being available for the payment.
Step 1
curl https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/authorize
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data "{
"amount": 10.99,
"currency": "CAD",
"card_expiry_month": 11,
"card_expiry_year": 16,
"cvv2": 595
Step 2
curl https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/capture/{ID}
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data "{"amount": 10.99,}"
Refund a payment
Option 1. Log into PayHQ and select My Transactions to view the complete list of transaction available for review. With each transaction, you have the control to refund the transaction and send a receipt for the refund to the email of your preference.
Option 2. Build the API request to ask for a refund by using the ID from the original sale or capture transaction. Authorization transactions cannot be refunded because no funds have been requested or transferred.
curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/refund/{ID} "
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data "{"amount": 10.99,}"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data-binary "{ "amount": 10.99, "test_mode": true}"
Encrypt credit card as a token
The Payfirma Card Encryption Javascript library generates a secure and encrypted card token to be used with any of our transaction methods.
How to use this library
This library was developed specifically for client use.
Within your HTML page, include the following inside the head tab. Alternatively, you can import/require the script from your code base.
You can access and reference the library from inside your Javascript file.
let PayfirmaCardEncryption = window.PayfirmaCardEncryption;
Your public encryption key requires to be sent as an alphanumeric string.
let publicEncryptionKey = "2d2d2d2d2d424547494e205055424c4943204b45592d2d2";
Make sure all your card parameters are sent as numeric strings. Numbers or objects will not be accepted.
let cardNumber = "1234567890123456";
let cardMonth = "12";
let cardYear = "34";
let cardCvv2 = "123"
Generate an encoded token using the the encode function. It requires Public Encryption Key, Card Number, Card Month, Card Year, CVV2 as parameters.
let encryptedCard = PayfirmaCardEncryption(publicEncryptionKey, cardNumber, cardMonth, cardYear, cardCvv2);
Use the encoded token within the body of your transaction request.
let transactionObject = {
amount: 1.00,
currency: "CAD",
token: encryptedCard,
email: "goku.son@payfirma.com",
first_name: "Goku",
last_name: "Son",
company: "Capsule Corporation",
telephone: "123-456-7890"
Post your first transaction!
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("POST", "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/sale");
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", bearerToken);
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
console.log("Something went wrong");
} else {
let publicEncryptionKey = "2d2d2d2d2d424547494e205055424c4943204b45592d2d2";
let cardNumber = "1234567890123456";
let cardMonth = "01";
let cardYear = "23";
let cardCvv2 = "045"
let encryptedCard = window.PayfirmaCardEncryption(publicEncryptionKey, cardNumber, cardMonth, cardYear, cardCvv2);
let transactionObject = {
amount: 0.01,
currency: "CAD",
token: encryptedCard,
email: "goku.son@payfirma.com",
first_name: "Goku",
last_name: "Son",
company: "Capsule Corporation",
telephone: "123-456-7890"
Future Payments
The Customer and Transaction Services can be used together to store cards and make payments on those stored cards.The Customer and Plan Services can be used together to set up recurring payment plans called subscriptions.
Storing a credit card
Step 1. Create a customer with all the key details that you want to store in the PayHQ database.
Step 2. Use the Customer_Lookup_ID for the customer you just created to save a card to that customer.
Step 1.
curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data "{
"email": "brandon@stark.com",
"first_name": "Brandon",
"last_name": "Stark",
"company": "Payfirma",
"bcc_emails": "john.snow@stark.com",
"telephone": "1234567891",
"address1": "No. 1 Road",
"address2": "Street 2",
"city": "Vancouver",
"province": "BC",
"country": "Canada",
"postal_code": "V6E 1B2",
"custom_id": "Internal456"}"
Step 2.
curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID/card/"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data '{
"card_expiry_month": 11,
"card_expiry_year": 16,
"card_number": "4111111111111111",
"cvv2": "595",
"is_default": true,
"card_description": "test card"
Making a payment on a stored card
Step 1. Use the Customer_Lookup_ID to make a payment with the default card.
Step 2. Use the Customer_Lookup_ID and the Card_Lookup_ID to make a payment with a card other than the default card stored for that customer.
Step 1.
curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID/card/"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data " { "amount": 10.99,"currency": "CAD" }
Step 2.
curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID/card/{CARD_LOOKUP_ID}/"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data " { "amount": 10.99,"currency": "CAD"}
Subscribe a customer with a stored card
Step 1. Create a plan with the key payment details.
Step 2. Make sure that you have a saved customer with a stored card.
Step 3. Create a subscription based on a plan for customer with a stored card.
Step 1.
curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/plan-service/plan/"
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
--data '{
"name": "Sample Daily Plan",
"amount": 10.99,
"currency": "CAD",
"frequency": "DAILY",
"number_of_payments": 10,
"send_receipt": false
Step 3.
curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID}/subscription "
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--data '{
"plan_lookup_id": "{PLAN_LOOKUP_ID}",
"card_lookup_id": "{CARD_LOOKUP_ID}",
"amount": 10.99,
"start_date": 1467760023000,
"email": "brandon@stark.com",
"description": "My test subscription"
Transaction reporting can be accessed through the PayHQ web application or through the PayHQ API.
Get your transactions
Option 1. Log into PayHQ and select "My Transactions" to view the complete list of transaction available for review. There is also the option to export the transaction list to a .csv file.
Option 2. Build the API call to request the full list of transactions according to whatever parameters you specify.
curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/transaction?limit=10000"
--request POST
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
Get your merchant's transactions
Request the full list of transactions according to whatever parameters you specify and please note that the account data will be based off the Bearer token.
curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service/transaction?limit=10000"
--request POST
--header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}"
Authorization is a financial transaction that places a hold on the credit or debit card for the amount you specify. This hold will last 10-20 business days depending on the cardholder’s bank policy. Please see Capture for how to receive money from this hold. This term can also refer to the class of token for the Basic and Bearer Tokens.
Authorization Service the part of the API that grants access tokens to the Transaction Service.
Basic Token is an encoded version of your Client ID & Client Secret in Base64 format using UTF-8 encoding that you’ll use for most requests to the Authorization service. Use the tool of your choice and encode the Client ID & Client Secret together with a colon in between both values to get your Basic Token.
Here is an example in bash:
echo -n "{CLIENT_ID}:{CLIENT_SECRET}" | base64
Bearer Token is a token that you’ll receive from the authorization service to use in the header for all requests to the Customer, Plan, and Transaction services. The Bearer Token lasts for 20 minutes.
Capture is a financial transaction that collects the payment after a hold has been placed on a credit or debit card. This transfer of funds is entirely dependent on a successful Authorization transaction.
Cards refer to the unique object that is created when you store a credit or debit card in our tokenized card vault.
Client ID & Client Secret are a set of unique account credentials that you generate in your PayHQ account to begin working with our API and should only be shared with team members or colleagues who are going to be working directly with your code base.
Customer is an object in our Customer Service that you create to be able to store customer information, store the Cards of that customer, and create Subscriptions on those cards.
Customer Service the group of API operations that allows developers to create customer objects, store sensitive card data by creating tokens and create subscription payments
Password is the secure, private key that you established with your PayHQ login. This field is only used for the Password Grant Operation and should be managed as privately as possible; only you or people accessing your code should have access to it.
Plans are payment templates that you can create with the Plan Service and are the base object needed for a Subscription payment.
Plan Service the set of operations used for creating recurring payment plans used to create subscription objects.
Refund is a reverse of a Sale or Capture transaction that will send the money from the merchant account back to the account of the cardholder.
Sale is the straightforward purchase transaction to charge a credit or debit card.
Subscription payments are created when a Plan is used to bill the stored Card of a Customer. Subscriptions do not have to be an exact copy of a Plan and can be updated at the time of creation as needed.
Transaction Service the set of transaction and reporting functions, other than subscription payments, for the API.
Username is the email address associated with your PayHQ login. This field is only used for the Password Grant Operation.
Use your Client ID and Client Secret, along with a Basic Token in your header, to get Bearer Token needed for the header of all requests to the Customer, Plan and Transaction Services
This flow generates a one-time authorization code used to obtain the OAuth access token. The authorization code is obtained by using an authorization server as an intermediary between the client (you) and the resource owner (your Merchants).
URI Parameters |
response_type required | Value must be set to ‘code’. |
client_id required | The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process. |
redirect_uri required | URL to redirect back to after completing its interaction with the resource owner. The redirection endpoint URI must be an absolute URI. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
Example Response Body:
'Location': 'https:///www.example.com&code=Xdfsdf82F',
Use the authorization code from each of your merchants to get access credentials.
Authorization code grant
The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens by presenting a one-time authorization code obtained from Payfirma’s authorization server during the authorization request.
URI Parameters
grant_type REQUIRED | Value must be set to ‘authorization_code’. |
code REQUIRED | Short-lived and one-time authorization code, received from Payfirma’s authorization server. |
redirect_uri | URL to redirect back to after completing its interaction with the resource owner. The redirection endpoint URI must be an absolute URI. |
state | RECOMMENDED. An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client. The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing cross-site request forgery |
Response Attributes |
access_token string | A Payfirma access token is a JWT format string representing an authorization issued to the client (you) from the user (the Merchant) to access their protected Payfirma resources. |
token_type string | General identifier for the OAuth token. |
refresh_token string | Refresh token is issued to the client by Payfirma authorization server and is used to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires. The refresh token never expires and can be used only once. It becomes invalid when the access token is revoked. |
expires_in number | The lifetime in seconds of the access token. The default setting for the access token default is to expire in 20 minutes (1200 seconds). |
merchant_id string | Unique identifier for the merchant. |
scope string | The list of different services that have been authorized for access. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--header "Authorization: Basic "ZmM0N2E0ZGMxZWMzODFjMzIxZjk4MzEyZmUwNDQ0YzA6NjI3YWE3NTE1MzNiMW1234567890123=" \
Example Response Body:
'access_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU',
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'refresh_token': '955d8714-f1d6-49d6-830a-2d221631a2b3',
'expires_in': 1199,
'merchant_id': '01234abcde',
'scope': 'invoice ecom',
Client Credentials Grant
The client credentials grant uses client id and client secret as an authorization grant when the authorization scope is limited to the protected resources under the control of the client. Client credentials are used as an authorization grant typically when the client is acting on its own behalf (the client is also the resource owner)
URI Parameters |
grant_type REQUIRED | Value must be set to refresh_token. |
client_id REQUIRED | The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process. |
client_secret REQUIRED | The client secret issued to the client during the registration process. |
Response Attributes
access_token string | A Payfirma access token is a JWT format string representing an authorization issued to the client (you) from the user (the Merchant) to access their protected Payfirma resources. |
token_type string | General identifier for the OAuth token. |
expires_in number | The lifetime in seconds of the access token. The default setting for the access token default is to expire in 20 minutes (1200 seconds). |
merchant_id string | Unique identifier for the merchant. |
scope string | The list of different services that have been authorized for access. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--header "Authorization: Basic ZmM0N2E0ZGMxZWMzODFjMzIxZjk4MzEyZmUwNDQ0YzA6NjI3YWE3NTE1MzNiMW1234567890123==" \
Example Response Body:
'access_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU',
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'expires_in': 1199,
'merchant_id': '01234abcde',
'scope': 'invoice ecom',
Refresh token grant
The client can request a new access token by authenticating with the Payfirma authorization server and then presenting the refresh token.
URI Parameters |
grant_type REQUIRED | Value must be set to refresh_token. |
refresh_token REQUIRED | Refresh token is issued to the client by Payfirma authorization server and is used to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires. The refresh token never expires and can be used only once. It becomes invalid when the access token is revoked. |
client_id REQUIRED | The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process. |
client_secret REQUIRED | The client secret issued to the client during the registration process. |
Response Attributes |
access_token string | A Payfirma access token is a JWT format string representing an authorization issued to the client (you) from the user (the Merchant) to access their protected Payfirma resources. |
token_type string | General identifier for the OAuth token. |
refresh_token string | Refresh token is issued to the client by Payfirma authorization server and is used to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires. The refresh token never expires and can be used only once. It becomes invalid when the access token is revoked. |
expires_in number | The lifetime in seconds of the access token. The default setting for the access token default is to expire in 20 minutes (1200 seconds). |
merchant_id string | Unique identifier for the merchant. |
scope string | The list of different services that have been authorized for access. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
Example Response Body:
'access_token': 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU',
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'refresh_token': '955d8714-f1d6-49d6-830a-2d221631a2b3',
'expires_in': 1199,
'merchant_id': '01234abcde',
'scope': 'invoice ecom',
Invalidate an authorization code
Revoke token
A revocation request will invalidate the token passed through the authorization header, revoking both the access token and refresh token.
Set up customer profiles. You will need these profiles to store credit cards and use those credit cards for different payment types.
Create a customer
Create a new customer profile using provided information
Request Arguments |
REQUIRED | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"email\": \"brandon@stark.com\",
\"first_name\": \"Brandon\",
\"last_name\": \"Stark\",
\"company\": \"Payfirma\",
\"bcc_emails\": \"john.snow@stark.com\",
\"telephone\": \"1234567891\",
\"address1\": \"No. 1 Road\",
\"address2\": \"Street 2\",
\"city\": \"Vancouver\",
\"province\": \"BC\",
\"country\": \"Canada\",
\"postal_code\": \"V6E 1B2\",
\"custom_id\": \"Internal456\"
}" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Retrieve a specific customer
Get all the attributes of a specific customer profile by using their lookup_id.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Retrieve all customers for a specific account
Requests a list of all customers according to the parameters you specify.
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
with_subscription | A boolean identity for whether customers have subscriptions. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
cursors object | Set the boundaries for displayed results. |
before string | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after string | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities':[{"id":2992429,"lookup_id":"NV0B6eZB06","email":"brandon@stark.com","first_name":"Brandon","last_name":"Stark","company":"Payfirma","bcc_emails":"john.snow@stark.com","telephone":"1234567891","address1":"No. 1 Road","address2":"Street 2","city":"Vancouver","province":"BC","country":"Canada","postal_code":"V6E 1B2","custom_id":"Internal456","cards":[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],"subscriptions":[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}]}],
'paging': {"cursors":{"before":"51pmdq8z5rdbRWoKYrje","after":"xv9Aq54WEy3RyWEBXypK"}},
Retrieve plan's customers
Query all customers who subscribed to a given plan lookup Id
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
with_subscription | A boolean identity for whether customers have subscriptions. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
cursors object | Set the boundaries for displayed results. |
before string | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after string | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities':[{"id":2992429,"lookup_id":"NV0B6eZB06","email":"brandon@stark.com","first_name":"Brandon","last_name":"Stark","company":"Payfirma","bcc_emails":"john.snow@stark.com","telephone":"1234567891","address1":"No. 1 Road","address2":"Street 2","city":"Vancouver","province":"BC","country":"Canada","postal_code":"V6E 1B2","custom_id":"Internal456","cards":[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],"subscriptions":[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}]}],
'paging': {"cursors":{"before":"51pmdq8z5rdbRWoKYrje","after":"xv9Aq54WEy3RyWEBXypK"}},
Update a customer
Change the attributes of a customer profile using their customer lookup_id.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PUT \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"email\": \"brandon@stark.com\",
\"first_name\": \"Brandon\",
\"last_name\": \"Stark\",
\"company\": \"Payfirma\",
\"bcc_emails\": \"john.snow@stark.com\",
\"telephone\": \"1234567891\",
\"address1\": \"No. 1 Road\",
\"address2\": \"Street 2\",
\"city\": \"Vancouver\",
\"province\": \"BC\",
\"country\": \"Canada\",
\"postal_code\": \"V6E 1B2\",
\"custom_id\": \"Internal456\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Store a credit card with a customer profile and update the card object as needed.
Add a new card
Store a new credit card to a customer profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
currency | DEFAULT is true for first card and false for the rest. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": \"595\",
\"is_default\": true,
\"card_description\": \"test card\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': '595',
'is_default': true,
'card_description': 'test card',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Update a card
Update an existing credit card object.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Request Arguments |
is_default | DEFAULT is true for first card and false for the rest. |
card_description | A description you can define for each card to help with card management and tracking. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PATCH \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"is_default\": true,
\"card_description\": \"test card\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'is_default': true,
'card_description': 'test card',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Remove a card
Remove a credit card from a customer’s profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request DELETE \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Use stored customer profiles and cards to set up subscription payments based off your recurring plans
Add a new subscription
Subscribe a given customer to a plan
Request Arguments |
plan_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
amount | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
start_date REQUIRED | UNIX time representation of the start date for a subscription, represented in milliseconds. It should be in future. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
description | An open field to record any information about the payment you want to appear in the customer’s receipt. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"plan_lookup_id\": \"99ffb59876mnb\",
\"card_lookup_id\": \"34cvb54564dfc\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"start_date\": 1467760023000,
\"email\": \"brandon@stark.com\",
\"bcc_emails\": \"nedd@stark.com, robb@stark.com\",
\"description\": \"My test plan\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'plan_lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'card_lookup_id': '34cvb54564dfc',
'amount': 10.99,
'start_date': 1467760023000,
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'bcc_emails': 'nedd@stark.com, robb@stark.com',
'description': 'My test plan',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Update a subscription
Update a subscription: Update the details of a subscription for a given customer lookup_id and a subscription lookup_id.
Request Arguments |
card_lookup_id | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
amount | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
description | An open field to record any information about the payment you want to appear in the customer’s receipt. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PATCH \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"card_lookup_id\": \"34cvb54564dfc\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"email\": \"brandon@stark.com\",
\"bcc_emails\": \"nedd@stark.com, robb@stark.com\",
\"description\": \"My test plan\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'card_lookup_id': '34cvb54564dfc',
'amount': 10.99,
'status': 'PAUSED',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'bcc_emails': 'nedd@stark.com, robb@stark.com',
'description': 'My test plan',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Cancel a subscription
Cancel a subscription: Cancel all future payments scheduled on a subscription plan by changing the status of the subscription
Request Arguments |
status | CANCELLED |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
cards array | All the non-PCI card details stored with a customer profile. |
subscriptions array | All the subscription info for the subscriptions stored with a customer profile. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PATCH \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"card_lookup_id\": \"34cvb54564dfc\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"email\": \"brandon@stark.com\",
\"bcc_emails\": \"nedd@stark.com, robb@stark.com\",
\"description\": \"My test plan\"
}" \
Example Request Body:
'status': 'CANCELLED',
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'cards':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","card_expiry":"01/20","card_prefix":"4111","card_suffix":"1111","is_default":true,"card_description":"test card"}],
'subscriptions':[{"id":123456,"lookup_id":"34cvb54564dfc","plan_id":987654,"plan_lookup_id":"98Avb98765dfc","name":"Sample Daily Plan","status":"ACTIVE","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","last_success":1467760023000,"last_run":1467760023000,"next_run":1467760023000,"total_cycles":10,"completed_cycles":3,"remaining_cycles":7,"failed_attempts":1,"delinquent_cycles":0,"delinquent_since":1467760023000}],
Create and manage the plans that you will need to set up your customers on subscription payments.
Create a plan
Create a new plan
Request Arguments |
name REQUIRED | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency REQUIRED | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"name\": \"Sample Daily Plan\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"frequency\": \"DAILY\",
\"number_of_payments\": 10,
\"send_receipt\": false
}" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Retrieve all plans
Request the list of all plans that are active
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
plan_name | The name established for the plan. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
frequency | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
min_number_of_total_subscriptions | Returns all plans with total number of subscriptions less or equal than the given minimum number. |
max_number_of_total_subscriptions | Returns all plans with total number of subscriptions greater or equal than the given maximum number. |
min_number_of_current_subscriptions | Returns all plans with current number of subscriptions less or equal than the given minimum number. |
max_number_of_current_subscriptions | Returns all plans with current number of subscriptions greater or equal than the given maximum number. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
cursors object | Set the boundaries for displayed results. |
before string | The beginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after string | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'plans':[{"id":2992429,"lookup_id":"99ffb59876mnb","name":"Sample Daily Plan","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","number_of_payments":10,"send_receipt":false,"total_subscriptions":10,"current_subscriptions":2}],
'paging': {"cursors":{"before":"51pmdq8z5rdbRWoKYrje","after":"xv9Aq54WEy3RyWEBXypK"}},
Retrieve a plan
Query a specific plan using the plan lookup_id
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Update a plan
Update plan attributes using the plan lookup_id. Active subscriptions for this plan will continue with the previous attributes and net new subscriptions will use the new attributes.
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
Request Arguments |
name REQUIRED | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency REQUIRED | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PUT \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"name\": \"Sample Daily Plan\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"frequency\": \"DAILY\",
\"number_of_payments\": 10,
\"send_receipt\": false
}" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Remove a plan
Delete a plan using the plan lookup_id. Active subscriptions for the deleted plan will continue.
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
curl --include \
--request DELETE \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Charge a credit card for a payment amount. You can also associate a customer profile with the sale and charge a stored credit card.
To encrypt your credit card information, use our Payfirma Card Encryption Javascript library to generate a secure and encrypted card token to be used with any of our transaction methods.
Create a sale
Request a credit card payment
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
sending_receipt | Whether or not a transaction will send a receipt to the customer email provided. Is set as true as the default option. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using a new card
Request a credit card payment.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using the default card
Request a credit card payment and associate it with a new or existing customer profile
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Response:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create a sale with a customer profile using a stored card
Request a credit card payment based on the card information you stored with an existing customer profile
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Put a hold on a credit card so that you can confirm the funds will be available for a future payment, using the capture operation.
Create an authorization
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount.
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. | |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
company | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone | Customer’s telephone number. |
address1 | First line of the customer address. |
address2 | Second line of the customer address. |
city | The city where the customer is. |
province | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country | The country where the customer is. All country codes should be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2. For Canada, use CA. For United States, use US. |
postal_code | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
sending_receipt | Whether or not a transaction will send a receipt to the customer email provided. Is set as true as the default option. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using a new card
Request a credit card payment
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_expiry_month REQUIRED | The double-digit month the card expires, e.g. for August, use 08. |
card_expiry_year REQUIRED | Expiry year - in double digits - of the associated credit card number, e.g. for 2017, use 17. |
card_number REQUIRED | The credit card number (16 digits for most card brands and 15 digits for American Express). |
cvv2 REQUIRED | A credit card’s verification code, otherwise known as CVC or CVV; the three or four-digit number on the back of most major cards, and the four digit number found on the front of American Express cards. We strongly recommend that you utilize the cvv2 field to help protect against fraud and charge-backs. |
token | Secure and encrypted card token. You can use this instead of card_expiry_month, card_expiry_year, card_number and cvv2. If used with a credit card, 400 BAD_REQUEST is returned. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"card_expiry_month\": 11,
\"card_expiry_year\": 16,
\"card_number\": \"4111111111111111\",
\"cvv2\": 595,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_expiry_month': 11,
'card_expiry_year': 16,
'card_number': '4111111111111111',
'cvv2': 595,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using the default card
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount and associate it with a new or existing customer profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
custom_id string | A description field to record any general customer identifying information. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'custom_id': 'Internal456',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
Create an authorization with a customer profile using a stored card
Put a hold on a credit card balance for a certain amount on a card that you stored with an existing customer profile.
URI Parameters |
customer_lookup_id REQUIRED | A hashed version of the customer_id used to identify the customer in the customer service. |
card_lookup_id REQUIRED | Credit card Lookup ID from Customer Vault. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Use the hold you put on a credit card to complete the payment and request the funds from the card.
Capture transaction with original Id
Release the hold you put on a credit card balance and request the final payment amount.
URI Parameters |
transaction_id REQUIRED | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
captured bolean | - |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
transaction_id | - |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'captured': false,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Send the payment back to the credit card.
Create a refund
Refund a sale or capture transaction by using the transaction ID.
URI Parameters |
transaction_id REQUIRED | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Request Arguments |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
Response Attributes |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa. |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
id string | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
transaction_success boolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_message string | Details on the transaction result. |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"amount\": 10.99,
}" \
Example Request Body:
'amount': 10.99,
Example Response Body:
'amount': 10.99,
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'PENDING',
'transaction_message': 'Insufficient funds',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
Get a list of all the transactions that have been made according to conditions you can specify.
Retrieve all transactions for a specific account
Request a list of all the successful and failed transactions that have been made with your account(s) according to parameters you specify.
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
from_date | Optional start date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date | Optional end date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
transaction_status | List of comma-separated statuses. Choices: PENDING, APPROVED, DECLINED. |
channel | List of comma-separated channels. Choices are: VT, MOBILE, TABLET_POS, E_COMMERCE, RECURRING, or INVOICE. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities': [
'amount': 10.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,
'paging': {
'cursors': {
Retrieve all transactions for a specific user
Request a list of all the successful and failed transactions that have been made with your account(s) for one user according to parameters you specify.
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
from_date | Optional start date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date | Optional end date for a date range filter. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. |
transaction_status | List of comma-separated statuses. Choices: PENDING, APPROVED, DECLINED. |
channel | List of comma-separated channels. Choices are: VT, MOBILE, TABLET_POS, E_COMMERCE, RECURRING, or INVOICE. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
email_address | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name | The first name of the customer. |
last_name | The customers last name. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'entities': [
'amount': 10.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 2992429,
'transaction_id': 'NV0B6eZB06',
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,
'paging': {
'cursors': {
Retrieve individual transaction
Query one transaction by providing the transaction ID
URI Parameters |
transaction_id | Unique identifier to track & query transactions. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
amount_refunded number | The refunded amount from this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tip number | The tip amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
amount_tax number | The tax amount for this transaction, in dollars, e.g. 1.99 = 1 dollar and 99 cents |
captured bolean | - |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
card_type string | The brand of the credit card, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex |
card_suffix number | The last 4 digits of the credit card. |
card_expiry string | Expiration date of the card in MM/YY format. Eg. For January 2024 use 01/24. |
user_id number | The user Id of staff associated with this transaction |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
transaction_success bolean | The boolean success response for each transaction. |
transaction_result string | The success response for each transaction. |
transaction_source string | - |
transaction_time number | The UNIX time stamp that the transaction was processed, represented in milliseconds. |
transaction_type string | Identifies what type of transaction request was made, e.g. sale, refund. |
string | The email address associated with the customer that will receive the receipt, if that attribute is set to true. |
first_name string | The first name of the customer. |
last_name string | The customers last name. |
company string | Business name associated with customer. |
bcc_emails string | Additional email the receipt should be sent to for expense tracking or accounting needs. |
telephone string | Customers telephone number. |
address1 string | First line of the customer address. |
address2 string | Second line of the customer address. |
city string | The city where the customer is. |
province string | The province where Canadian customer reside. For US Customers, this would be the State of residence. |
country string | The country where the customer is. |
postal_code string | The 6 digit address code for Canadian customer. US customers will use a 5-9 digit Zip Code. |
invoice_id string | An open description field to help with transaction tracking and reporting. If the Payfirma invoicing service is used, this number will be generated by the invoicing system. |
lookup_id number | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
processor_auth_code | - |
processor_transaction_id | - |
test_mode | - |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'amount': 1.99,
'amount_refunded': 1.99,
'amount_tip': 1.99,
'amount_tax': 1.99,
'captured': false,
'currency': 'CAD',
'card_type': 'VISA',
'card_suffix': 1111,
'card_expiry': '11/19',
'user_id': 123456,
'id': 1234567,
'transaction_success': true,
'transaction_result': 'APPROVED',
'transaction_source': 'MOBILE',
'transaction_time': 1467760023000,
'transaction_type': 'SALE',
'email': 'brandon@stark.com',
'first_name': 'Brandon',
'last_name': 'Stark',
'company': 'Payfirma',
'bcc_emails': 'john.snow@stark.com',
'telephone': '1234567891',
'address1': 'No. 1 Road',
'address2': 'Street 2',
'city': 'Vancouver',
'province': 'BC',
'country': 'Canada',
'postal_code': 'V6E 1B2',
'invoice_id': 'InternalInvoice12',
'lookup_id': 32145,
'processor_auth_code': 'ABCDEF',
'processor_transaction_id': '123456789',
'test_mode': false,
Invoice Solution API
This document includes sample data and responses. For more information on the JSON to be sent in the body of
various requests, please refer to the request body (via the inspect manager) in your browser.
How To: Retrieve a Set of Invoices
GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice?limit=
"invoices": [
"business_name": "minim est laboris",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "velit in exercitation ",
"due_date": "3531-08-23T03:48:44.205Z",
"items": [
"amount": 21205659,
"price": 36802057,
"quantity": 86105452
"amount": 75168813,
"price": 28006167,
"quantity": 77763053
"recipient_email": "non id adipisicing occaecat ut",
"sub_total": 4276908,
"support_email": "id enim magna amet",
"support_phone_number": "sit incididunt proident quis",
"total": 86155452
"business_name": "dolore",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "dolore elit",
"due_date": "4058-01-07T13:55:08.748Z",
"items": [
"amount": 58142303,
"price": 95874711,
"quantity": 33654873
"amount": 12219611,
"price": 85181105,
"quantity": 39277805,
"item": "eiusmod dolore Lorem aliqua",
"discount": false,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 72115005
"tax1": {
"percentile": false
"amount": 40940975,
"price": 88962037,
"quantity": 91777342,
"discount": false,
"tax1": {
"percentile": false
"recipient_email": "et sit",
"sub_total": 70297709,
"support_email": "ipsum mollit culpa dolore ut",
"support_phone_number": "anim est irure magna ullamco",
"total": 27483070,
"title": "quis labore"
"business_name": "deserunt temp",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "Ut pariatur veniam mollit laboris",
"due_date": "4547-08-27T09:50:05.575Z",
"items": [
"amount": 26003082,
"price": 20071213,
"quantity": 71668202,
"discount": false
"amount": 78488376,
"price": 76528102,
"quantity": 46544365,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false
"tax1": {
"percentile": false
"recipient_email": "dolor",
"sub_total": -93202187,
"support_email": "sunt deserunt dolor",
"support_phone_number": "tempor reprehenderit in",
"total": 88580010,
"business_city": "Duis eiusmod",
"company": "enim Lorem minim occaecat"
"business_name": "consequat incididunt",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "irure proident ",
"due_date": "2993-11-20T10:31:58.241Z",
"items": [
"amount": 15229749,
"price": 86517784,
"quantity": 74153427,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 4247601
"discount": false,
"tax1": {
"percentile": false
"recipient_email": "eiusmod",
"sub_total": 52722642,
"support_email": "cupidatat nulla",
"support_phone_number": "velit culpa quis",
"total": 75387860
How To: Create a New Invoice
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice
"description":"New Invoice 55",
"business_name":"James Bond Business",
"business_address1":"Address line 1. Address line 2",
"business_state":"British Columbia",
"item":"Item 1",
How To: Create a New Invoice (Draft)
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/draft
"title":"Draft Invoice",
"description":"New Invoice 55",
"business_name":"James Bond Business",
"business_address1":"Address line 1. Address line 2",
"business_state":"British Columbia",
"item":"Item 1",
How To: Retrieve Invoices for a Specific Customer
GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/customer/customer_id_here?limit=
Response Sample
"invoices": [
"business_name": "voluptate",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "laboris",
"due_date": "4916-06-08T21:43:53.742Z",
"items": [
"amount": 52118831,
"price": 10585243,
"quantity": 9188639
"amount": 90270953,
"price": 33201694,
"quantity": 30082123,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false
"recipient_email": "cupidatat deserunt culpa velit",
"sub_total": 87403083,
"support_email": "tempor",
"support_phone_number": "Lorem",
"total": 13381180
"business_name": "in deserunt commodo tempor eiusmod",
"currency": "USD",
"description": "in laborum do voluptate",
"due_date": "2375-04-03T16:43:12.236Z",
"items": [
"amount": 73345847,
"price": 87788734,
"quantity": 56505832,
"tax1": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 99891139
"amount": 14155827,
"price": 3169245,
"quantity": 75793364
"recipient_email": "esse",
"sub_total": 62469,
"support_email": "ad Duis anim",
"support_phone_number": "in aute",
"total": 10610020,
"business_city": "dolor sint",
"recipient_first_name": "fugiat velit reprehenderit culpa "
"business_name": "sit ex",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "voluptate occaecat ipsum",
"due_date": "2591-01-30T12:44:49.897Z",
"items": [
"amount": 73710998,
"price": 11112996,
"quantity": 90545291
"amount": 71481433,
"price": 75895451,
"quantity": 90806548
"amount": 7334195,
"price": 36953280,
"quantity": 70363194,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 26050468
"item": "do cupidatat id",
"tax1": {
"percentile": false
"discount": false
"amount": 31094607,
"price": 47045855,
"quantity": 57280184,
"tax2": {
"percentile": false
"discount": false,
"tax1": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 74074788
"recipient_email": "dolor eu enim aliqua dolor",
"sub_total": -65427494,
"support_email": "id voluptate",
"support_phone_number": "laboris eiusmod",
"total": 30645866,
"tax2_label": "labore esse enim",
"email_message": "aute",
"business_country": "velit in in"
"business_name": "exercitation enim",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "tempor",
"due_date": "4124-06-18T22:07:03.946Z",
"items": [
"amount": 88085144,
"price": 7236757,
"quantity": 81684860,
"discount": false
"amount": 14762525,
"price": 96923105,
"quantity": 59513772,
"item": "nostrud"
"recipient_email": "incididunt ut ipsum",
"sub_total": 4847582,
"support_email": "elit aute consectetur ut",
"support_phone_number": "aliquip",
"total": 45785781,
"order_id": "eu et",
"tax1_label": "dolor eiusmod ad"
"business_name": "aliquip",
"currency": "CAD",
"description": "nisi",
"due_date": "3033-08-23T06:47:56.317Z",
"items": [
"amount": 59892726,
"price": 16546646,
"quantity": 74894792,
"item": "tempor",
"tax1": {
"percentile": false,
"amount": 85001526
"discount": false
"recipient_email": "irure",
"sub_total": 33920695,
"support_email": "occaecat proident",
"support_phone_number": "ullamco non",
"total": 15477362,
"customer_id": -15595687,
"billing_state": "sit in esse",
"business_address2": "sed consequat eiusmod"
How To: Retrieve a Specific Invoice
GET: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here
Response Sample
"invoice_id": 212947,
"status": "UNPAID",
"description": "New Invoice 55",
"created_date": 1549912952000,
"due_date": 1549958399000,
"resend_invoice": true,
"language": "ENGLISH",
"logo_image_path": "invoice_logos/INVOICE_LOGO_17538_1510.png",
"business_name": "James Bond Business",
"business_address1": "Address line 1. Address line 2",
"business_city": "Vancouver",
"business_state": "British Columbia",
"business_country": "Canada",
"business_postal_code": "g4d8y6",
"support_email": "ravinder.singh@payfirma.com",
"support_phone_number": "9888175447",
"customer_id": 1271438,
"recipient_email": "ravinder.singh@payfirma.com",
"recipient_first_name": "Ravinder",
"recipient_last_name": "Kainth",
"items": [
"item": "Item 1",
"quantity": 10,
"price": 10,
"tax1": {
"percentile": true,
"amount": 0.5
"tax2": {
"percentile": true,
"amount": 2
"amount": 100,
"discount": false
"sub_total": 100,
"currency": "CAD",
"tax1": 0.5,
"tax1_label": "Tax1",
"tax2": 2,
"tax2_label": "Tax2",
"total": 102.5
How To: Send an Email
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here/send
Response Sample
"email_address": "email_address_here"
How To: Send an Email to a Specific Email Address
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/invoice/invoice_id_here/send/email_address_here
Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json Authorization:Bearer
Response Sample
"email_address": "email_address_here"
Card Terminal
Card Terminal API
This document includes sample data and responses. For more information on the JSON to be sent in the body of
various requests, please refer to the request body (via the inspect manager) in your browser.
How To: Make a Sale using Customer Lookup
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service-vt/sale/terminalcustomer/customer_lookup_id
Response Sample
"amount": 1,
"email": "customer_email",
"first_name": "customer_first_name",
"last_name": "customer_last_name",
"company": "company",
"card_type": "OTHER", "card_suffix": "1933",
"id": 3039875,
"transaction_id": "62lY3jxBKrRk6yo1RkXN",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "APPROVED",
"transaction_time": 1551297351000,
"transaction_type": "SALE"
How To: Make a Sale without Customer Lookup
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service-vt/sale/terminal
"company":"", "bcc_emails":null, "telephone":"",
Response Sample
"amount": 1,
"card_type": "OTHER",
"card_suffix": "1933",
"id": 3039873,
"transaction_id": "N4kqMbjy0WEzKd7eZLQY",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "APPROVED",
"transaction_time": 1551297100000,
"transaction_type": "SALE"
How To: Make a Refund
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway.payfirma.com/transaction-service-vt/refund/transaction_id
"amount": 1,
"email": "customer_email",
"first_name": "customer_first_name",
"last_name": "customer_last_name",
"company": "Payfirma",
"invoice_id": "000003039874",
"card_type": "OTHER",
"card_suffix": "1933",
"id": 3039877,
"transaction_id": "z6jAROvgvWj3vd14wZnl",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "APPROVED",
"transaction_time": 1551297616000,
"transaction_type": "REFUND"
How To: Authorize a Card
POST: https://sandbox-apigateway/transaction-service-vt/authorize/terminal
"card_suffix":"2995", "id":3893431,
How To: Capture a Payment
GET: https://sandbox-apigateway/transaction-service-vt/capture/transaction_id
Response Sample
"amount": 1,
"email": "ravinder.singh@payfirma.com",
"first_name": "Ravinder",
"last_name": "Singh",
"company": "Payfirma",
"invoice_id": "000003893432",
"card_type": "MASTERCARD",
"card_suffix": "2995",
"id": 3893434,
"transaction_id": "GXRKDxBl55z9pg04wY7W",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "APPROVED",
"transaction_time": 1551304500000,
"transaction_type": "CAPTURE"
Hosted Payment Page
Steps to setup HPP on PayHQ
Basic requirements for integrating with PayHQ Hosted Payment Page
Setup your hosted payment page
Provide the domain name and return page URL
Generate your access token
Use this access token to send payment request to the hosted payment page endpoint
Customer Vault Feature - If you would like to enable the customer vault feature for Hosted Payment Page (HPP), please inform our team and we will configure it from our admin side. With this feature, customers who have at least one card saved in the PayHQ will be able to make transactions using their saved card details.
Follow these steps to get started with HPP setup
Login to your merchant account
Open settings and select hosted payment page
Enter your domain, return URL and callback URL(optional) to setup your hosted payment page
Once you enter this your hosted payment page will get set up and you will notice that you have been provided the init endpoint to send transaction requests to.
But before you can start using the hosted payment page you will need the access token in order to get access to the backend functionality.
Click on Generate Token button to generate your access token
At this point you are all set to start integrating with our hosted payment page
Additionally if you are interested in collecting billing and shipping information on the hosted payment page then you can select the capture billing address and capture shipping address options. You can select both or just one of these options, depending on your requirements.
At this point you are done with creating your hosted payment page settings.
Next step is to use these settings in your e-commerce application.
Using the sample application
Clone the sample application
Open App.js and replace ENDPOINT, DOMAIN and TOKEN values with the InitEndpoint, domain entered in your HPP settings page and the access token respectively.
Open the package.json file and change the HTTPS and port settings as per your requirements
Run and test this demo application
Additional info:
Please note that if your platform will not be using PayHQ’s HPP module, then your company will need to complete the PCI DSS questionnaire for Service Providers to validate your adherence to PCI DSS with a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)
▪ You can find a list of approved QSAs here: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/assessors_and_solutions/qualified_security_assessors
iFrame Integration
Basic requirements for integrating with PayHQ iFrame
Enable iFrame from your PayHQ account
Generate your iFrame access token
Use this access token in your iFrame integration code
Request payment token for your transaction
Exchange the payment token to complete the transaction
Before you start
Please make sure you have access to PayHQ Sandbox account
Go to https://www.payfirma.com/signup or call 1 (800) 747-6883 and ask for a Payment Advisor to set up a Demo / Sandbox Account for you.
iFrame in action
You can visit https://payhq-iframe-test-demo.firebaseapp.com/ to see the iFrame in action. You can use the test card data mentioned on this page to complete a test transaction.
Important URL
Sandbox – https://sandbox.payfirma.com
Test – https://test.payfirma.com
Production – https://hq.payfirma.com
Developer portal – https://developers.payfirma.com
Integration Process
The integration process comprises of 3 stages
Stage 1 – Your team works on the integration work by using the Sandbox account
Stage 2 – After you finish your integration we will help you go through a certification process to make sure that your integration satisfies your end goal that you had for this integration.
Stage 3 – Request a production PayHQ account. Make sure you change all the URLs in your code to point to the production environment before you go live with your code.
Enable iFrame and generate access token
Login to your merchant account
Click “Settings” on the top right menu
Select “Hosted Pay Page and iFrame” tab on settings page
At the top of the page that opens you will see the iFrame Settings
Click the create button on the right to generate your iFrame token
You will notice that the iFrame access token has been generated. You have an option to delete or refresh the access token as per your requirements
At this point you are ready to start writing your code to integrate iFrame into your web page.
Write your integration code
Link the PayHQ iFrame Javascript library in the webpage where you will be adding the iFrame. The URL of this library for the test environment is https://test-iframe.payfirma.com/payhq-js/payhq-iframe-lib-test.min.js
Add three placeholder div elements in your webpage to hold the iFrames for card number, expiry date and CVV. At this point it’s important to know that PayHQ iFrame is not a single iFrame that you add to your webpage. It comprises three different iFrames, one each for card number, expiry date and CVV. This gives you more flexibility to design your UI the way you want to.
You may choose to provide any id of your choice to the three placeholder divs you added in step 2
The next step is to write Javascript code to initialize the iFrame in your webpage. (See example below)
At this point you should be ready to run your webpage and see the iFrame in action.
Step 4 - script tag
// 4.1 select the payfirma test environment
const environment = 'TEST'
// 4.2 set apiKey for authorization token
const apiKey = "iframe access token";
// 4.3 set options
var options = {
fields: {
cardNumber: {
selector: "#cardNumber_container",
placeholder: "Credit Card *",
cardExpiry: {
selector: "#cardExpiry_container",
placeholder: "Expires (MM/YY) *"
cardCvv: {
selector: "#cardCvv_container",
placeholder: "CVV *"
// set the CSS styles to apply to the payment fields
// camelCases instead dash-separated CSS attributes
style: {
input: {
"fontFamily": "robotoregular,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif",
"fontWeight": "700",
"fontSize": "1em",
"color": "#ff0000",
"backgroundColor": "#a2d157",
// 4.4 init payfirma object
const payfirmaObject= Payfirma.payfirmaInit(environment, apiKey,options);
// 4.5 set button event
document.querySelector('button#payNow').addEventListener('click', () => {
// 4.6 Get Form fields data
const formData = {first_name,last_name,email,amount}
// 4.7 get card token
// Set result
document.querySelector('#cardtoken-result').innerText = response.payment_token;
// If you need to check payment token expiry,
// you need to make a logic with response.expires_in
// console.log('payment token will expire in ',response.expires_in + " seconds")
// 4.8 Make a sale transaction with card token.
makeSaleRequest(response.payment_token, formData);
}).catch(error => {
// There was an error tokenizing your card data
console.log('error from server')
Request payment token
In the code shared above the payfirmaObject.tokenize()
is responsible for submitting the card details to PayHQ backend and receive a payment token.
Complete the sale
The payment token received in the previous step can be used to complete the sale
Finally call the
method to complete the sale. This method will make an API call to PayHQ backend and complete the saleThe response of the final sale method contains the lookup ID of the transaction. This lookup ID should be saved for performing refund operations in future.
PayHQ Plugin - WooCommerce
The first step in your integration will be installing WooCommerce to your WordPress storefront.
Once you’ve logged into your WordPress account, you’ll be able to find the Plugins category in the main menu to the left side of the page, commonly just below Appearance. Click on
Plugins to expand available options before clicking on the revealed option Add New.
Under the Install Plugins header, you’ll find several options; the second, Upload, will enable you to select your .zip of the Payfirma WooCommerce plugin. Click on the Choose File button, and find your .zip of the Payfirma WooCommerce plugin.
Once your plugin is selected, click on Install Now. The plugin will install itself automatically, and after your installation is finished, click on Activate Plugin, just beneath the notification.
One of our mandatory requirements for PayHQ is an SSL connection for credit card transactions. To force this, select your newly accessible WooCommerce option in the main menu on the left side of the page. Once the WooCommerce options have expanded in the menu, click on Settings.
From the Settings page, you will automatically be brought to the General Settings Tab. Ensure your Base Location and Currency are set.
Go to the Payments tab within Settings,
Go to Manage
This is where you will be able to enter your assigned Iframe Access Token, as provided through PayHQ Settings.
PayHQ Settings
To get Iframe Access Token
Please, Login at PayHQ and go to Settings. PayHQ Settings
Create Iframe Access Token
GitHub - Reference:
GitHub - Payfirma/New_Payfirma_Woo_Gateway
Download plugin:
Base URL
The base URL for all API requests is:
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/balance
Returns wallet balance for EFT to do instant transactions else would be a few days for settlement.
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
available_balance: fund available balance currently for transaction
actual_balance: total balance - Funds are in the wallet
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/balance
"available_balance": 13.36,
"actual_balance": 13.36
Incoming Request - EFT Debit
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/incoming-requests
Returns list of incoming requests asking you for funds - EFT Debit
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
incoming_requests: Array of objects of incoming request
amount: amount asking for processor_transaction_id: unique identifier
email: email of the user asking for
status: status of the request
redirect_url: redirect URL to start EFT transaction date: date of the EFT request
description: description of the EFT request
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/incoming-requests
incoming_requests: [
"amount": 1,
"processor_transaction_id": "PAY24204476",
"email": "sample@gmail.com",
"status": "PENDING",
"redirect_url": "https://sample.com?redirect",
"date": "1/17/2024 11:26:40 PM",
"description": "API Test Doc"
Requesting Funds - EFT Credit
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/request/{customer_lookup_id}
Requesting funds to PayHQ customer via EFT - EFT Credit
Request Body
"amount": 1,
"description": "API Test Doc"
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
amount: amount requested
email: email of the customer request sent to
card_type: Type of Card Transaction(Internal Use)
description: description of the EFT request sent
id: unique identifier for PayHQ
transaction_id: unique identifier for PayHQ hashed
transaction_success: Is request sent successfully
transaction_result: result of the EFT request sent - at first would be “PENDING” until other user do some action on it. Status would be updated on your side too
transaction_time: time of request epoch time format transaction_type: Type of the transaction(Internal Use)
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/request/{customer_lookup_id}
"amount": 1,
"email": "sample@gmail.com",
"card_type": "EFT",
"description": "API Test Doc",
"id": 9587492,
"transaction_id": "8Xj5QZyE499o9dGv6pA2",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "PENDING",
"transaction_time": 1705534494112,
"transaction_type": "EFT_CREDIT"
Bank Deposit:
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/bank-deposit
Deposit to your linked bank account from your wallet available balance
Request Body
"amount": 1
Only status 200 - If successful else 400 with error message
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/bank-deposit
Send Funds - EFT Debit
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/send/{customer_lookup_id}
Send funds to the customer’s Bank account directly - EFT Debit
Request Body
"amount": 1,
"description": "API Test Doc",
"transit_number": "12345",
"institution_number": "123",
"account_number": "123467"
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
amount: amount to send
email: email of the customer
first_name: first name of the customer
last_name: last name of the customer
province: province(in code) - BC
country: country(in code) - CA
card_type: Type of Card Transaction(Internal Use) description: description of the EFT request sent
id: unique identifier for PayHQ
transaction_id: unique identifier for PayHQ hashed transaction_success: Is request sent successfully
transaction_result: result of the EFT request sent - at first would be “PENDING” until other user do some action on it. Status would be updated on your side too
transaction_time: time of request epoch time format
transaction_type: Type of the transaction(Internal Use)
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/send/{customer_lookup_id}
"amount": 1,
"email": "sample@payfirma.com",
"first_name": "Sample",
"last_name": "Test",
"province": "BC",
"country": "CA",
"card_type": "EFT",
"description": "API Test Doc - Account Number: ***1234",
"id": 9587494,
"transaction_id": "EmJVqxBX1ZZKogz6NeGn",
"transaction_success": false,
"transaction_result": "PENDING",
"transaction_time": 1705535538104,
"transaction_type": "EFT_DEBIT"
Install the app
Shopify Settings
Select Payments
Select Search by Provider
Search for “Merrco Payments”
Select Merrco Payments Activate and Connect
Connect to PayHQ
Select settings within the Merrco Payments app
Enter your PayHQ login credentials
Enable both capture billing and shipping address
Select Activate
Partner Integration
Partner Code:
Please note that each partner will be assigned a three-letter word by Merrco Payfirma (please ask us if you require one).
To tag all transactions originating from your application, please send your assigned three-letter word
in the custom_id field in the sales request packet. This identifying word will help us to reconcile all data for
merchants using your application.
Sandbox Environment:
Create a Sandbox Account:
To create a sandbox account for testing, kindly proceed by completing the form accessible through the following link: Sandbox PayHQ Select "Request one today!" during the process.
Please note that all URLs mentioned in the API documentation point to our live environment. To point them
to our sandbox environment, all URLs in the format https://xxxx.payfirma.com need to be replaced with
https://sandbox-xxxx.payfirma.com, which will start pointing to the sandbox environment.
Test Processor:
The Test Processor is a simulated processor designed for testing purposes, featuring placeholder processing logic. Specific outcomes are triggered based on the following conditions:
All transactions with an odd amount (digits before decimals) will be approved.
All transactions with an even amount (digits before decimals) will be declined.
Refunds exceeding the actual sale amount will be declined.
Captures with an even amount will also be declined.
Special Cases:
$2.10 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to tokenize card information."
$2.20 will result in a decline with the reason "Email is required."
$2.30 will result in a decline with the reason "Missing mandatory card information field(s) in the request."
$2.40 will result in a decline with the reason "Transaction Not Supported."
$2.50 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to de-tokenize card information."
$2.60 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to authorize."
Important info:
Production environment: https://hq.payfirma.com/#/login
Sandbox environment: https://sandbox.payfirma.com/#/login
Email: partnersupport@merrco.com