API: Plan
Create and manage the plans that you will need to set up your customers on subscription payments.
Create a plan
Create a new plan
Request Arguments |
name REQUIRED | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency REQUIRED | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"name\": \"Sample Daily Plan\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"frequency\": \"DAILY\",
\"number_of_payments\": 10,
\"send_receipt\": false
}" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Retrieve all plans
Request the list of all plans that are active
URI Parameters |
limit | The number of transactions to be displayed within each page. |
before | The begginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
plan_name | The name established for the plan. |
min_amount | Filter all transactions below the given amount from the result set. |
max_amount | Filter all transactions above the given amount from the result set. |
frequency | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
min_number_of_total_subscriptions | Returns all plans with total number of subscriptions less or equal than the given minimum number. |
max_number_of_total_subscriptions | Returns all plans with total number of subscriptions greater or equal than the given maximum number. |
min_number_of_current_subscriptions | Returns all plans with current number of subscriptions less or equal than the given minimum number. |
max_number_of_current_subscriptions | Returns all plans with current number of subscriptions greater or equal than the given maximum number. |
Response Attributes |
entities array | The stored customer information that was associated with each transaction. |
paging object | Parameter to view multiple pages on large queries. |
cursors object | Set the boundaries for displayed results. |
before string | The beginning of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with a query parameter to get the page before this page. |
after string | The end of the page cursor. One can use this cursor with an after query parameter to get the page after this page. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'plans':[{"id":2992429,"lookup_id":"99ffb59876mnb","name":"Sample Daily Plan","amount":10.99,"currency":"CAD","frequency":"DAILY","number_of_payments":10,"send_receipt":false,"total_subscriptions":10,"current_subscriptions":2}],
'paging': {"cursors":{"before":"51pmdq8z5rdbRWoKYrje","after":"xv9Aq54WEy3RyWEBXypK"}},
Retrieve a plan
Query a specific plan using the plan lookup_id
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Update a plan
Update plan attributes using the plan lookup_id. Active subscriptions for this plan will continue with the previous attributes and net new subscriptions will use the new attributes.
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
Request Arguments |
name REQUIRED | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount REQUIRED | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency REQUIRED | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency REQUIRED | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
Response Attributes |
id number | Internal ID representation. |
lookup_id string | A hashed identifier used to identify and access saved customers, cards, plans and subscriptions. |
name string | The title you give to each plan, which should be unique for each plan. |
amount number | Transaction amount, in dollars, e.g. 10.99 = 10 dollars and 99 cents. |
currency string | Transaction currency, in currency type, e.g. USD, CAD. |
frequency string | The cycle of how often the card will be charged on the subscription or plan. Choices are: DAILY, WEEKLY, MOTHLY, QUARTERLY, or ANNUALLY. |
number_of_payments number | The total number of payments within this plan. |
send_receipt boolean | Sets whether receipt should be sent after transaction. Default is false. |
total_subscriptions number | Total number of subscriptions under this plan. |
current_subscriptions number | Current number of subscriptions as ACTIVE, RETRY, SUSPENDED and PAUSED. |
Example Request:
curl --include \
--request PUT \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \
--data-binary "{
\"name\": \"Sample Daily Plan\",
\"amount\": 10.99,
\"currency\": \"CAD\",
\"frequency\": \"DAILY\",
\"number_of_payments\": 10,
\"send_receipt\": false
}" \
Example Response Body:
'id': 2992429,
'lookup_id': '99ffb59876mnb',
'name': 'Sample Daily Plan',
'amount': 10.99,
'currency': 'CAD',
'frequency': 'DAILY',
'number_of_payments': 10,
'send_receipt': false,
'total_subscriptions': 10,
'current_subscriptions': 2,
Remove a plan
Delete a plan using the plan lookup_id. Active subscriptions for the deleted plan will continue.
URI Parameters |
plan_lookup_id | A hashed version of the plan_id used to identify the plan in the customer & plan service. |
curl --include \
--request DELETE \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiIxM2EyN2ViZS1iZTEwLTQzY2ItYjFmOC1lYjY4ZWEwOGFlNGIiLCJleHAiOjE0NTcwNTU0NjN9._KIfokRmM38MjP-q2pxB6Lk_-dcg2VnLg9QiuwksxKU" \