Code Block |
Step 1. curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer" --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}" --data "{ "email": "brandon@stark.com", "first_name": "Brandon", "last_name": "Stark", "company": "Payfirma", "bcc_emails": "john.snow@stark.com", "telephone": "1234567891", "address1": "No. 1 Road", "address2": "Street 2", "city": "Vancouver", "province": "BC", "country": "Canada", "postal_code": "V6E 1B2", "custom_id": "Internal456"}" Step 2. curl "https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID/card/" --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}" --data '{ "card_expiry_month": 11, "card_expiry_year": 16, "card_number": "4111111111111111", "cvv2": "595", "is_default": true, "card_description": "test card" }' |
Making a payment on a stored card
Code Block |
Step 1. curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/plan-service/plan/" --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer {BEARER_TOKEN}" --data "'{ { "name": "Sample Daily Plan", "amount": 10.99, "currency": "CAD", "frequency": "DAILY", "number_of_payments": 10, "send_receipt": false }' }" Step 3. curl " https://apigateway.payfirma.com/customer-service/customer/{CUSTOMER_LOOKUP_ID}/subscription " --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ { "plan_lookup_id": "{PLAN_LOOKUP_ID}", "card_lookup_id": "{CARD_LOOKUP_ID}", "amount": 10.99, "start_date": 1467760023000, "email": "brandon@stark.com", "description": "My test subscription" } ”' |
Transaction reporting can be accessed through the PayHQ web application or through the PayHQ API.
Install the app
Shopify Settings
Select Payments
Select Search by Provider
Search for “Merrco Payments”
Select Merrco Payments Activate and Connect
Connect to PayHQ
Select settings within the Merrco Payments app
Enter your PayHQ login credentials
Enable both capture billing and shipping address
Base URL
The base URL for all API requests is:
Code Block |
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/balance |
Returns wallet balance for EFT to do instant transactions else would be a few days for settlement.
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
available_balance: fund available balance currently for transaction
actual_balance: total balance - Funds are in the wallet
Code Block |
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/balance |
Code Block |
"available_balance": 13.36,
"actual_balance": 13.36
} |
Incoming Request - EFT Debit
Code Block |
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/incoming-requests |
Returns list of incoming requests asking you for funds - EFT Debit
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
incoming_requests: Array of objects of incoming request
amount: amount asking for processor_transaction_id: unique identifier
email: email of the user asking for
status: status of the request
redirect_url: redirect URL to start EFT transaction date: date of the EFT request
description: description of the EFT request
Code Block |
GET /transaction-service-vt/eft/incoming-requests |
Code Block |
incoming_requests: [
"amount": 1,
"processor_transaction_id": "PAY24204476",
"email": "sample@gmail.com",
"status": "PENDING",
"redirect_url": "https://sample.com?redirect",
"date": "1/17/2024 11:26:40 PM",
"description": "API Test Doc"
] |
Requesting Funds - EFT Credit
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/request/{customer_lookup_id} |
Requesting funds to PayHQ customer via EFT - EFT Credit
Request Body
Code Block |
"amount": 1,
"description": "API Test Doc"
} |
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
amount: amount requested
email: email of the customer request sent to
card_type: Type of Card Transaction(Internal Use)
description: description of the EFT request sent
id: unique identifier for PayHQ
transaction_id: unique identifier for PayHQ hashed
transaction_success: Is request sent successfully
transaction_result: result of the EFT request sent - at first would be “PENDING” until other user do some action on it. Status would be updated on your side too
transaction_time: time of request epoch time format transaction_type: Type of the transaction(Internal Use)
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/request/{customer_lookup_id} |
Code Block |
"amount": 1,
"email": "sample@gmail.com",
"card_type": "EFT",
"description": "API Test Doc",
"id": 9587492,
"transaction_id": "8Xj5QZyE499o9dGv6pA2",
"transaction_success": true,
"transaction_result": "PENDING",
"transaction_time": 1705534494112,
"transaction_type": "EFT_CREDIT"
} |
Bank Deposit:
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/bank-deposit |
Deposit to your linked bank account from your wallet available balance
Request Body
Code Block |
"amount": 1
} |
Only status 200 - If successful else 400 with error message
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/bank-deposit |
Send Funds - EFT Debit
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/send/{customer_lookup_id} |
Send funds to the customer’s Bank account directly - EFT Debit
Request Body
Code Block |
"amount": 1,
"description": "API Test Doc",
"transit_number": "12345",
"institution_number": "123",
"account_number": "123467"
} |
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
amount: amount to send
email: email of the customer
first_name: first name of the customer
last_name: last name of the customer
province: province(in code) - BC
country: country(in code) - CA
card_type: Type of Card Transaction(Internal Use) description: description of the EFT request sent
id: unique identifier for PayHQ
transaction_id: unique identifier for PayHQ hashed transaction_success: Is request sent successfully
transaction_result: result of the EFT request sent - at first would be “PENDING” until other user do some action on it. Status would be updated on your side too
transaction_time: time of request epoch time format
transaction_type: Type of the transaction(Internal Use)
Code Block |
POST /transaction-service-vt/eft/send/{customer_lookup_id} |
Code Block |
"amount": 1,
"email": "sample@payfirma.com",
"first_name": "Sample",
"last_name": "Test",
"province": "BC",
"country": "CA",
"card_type": "EFT",
"description": "API Test Doc - Account Number: ***1234",
"id": 9587494,
"transaction_id": "EmJVqxBX1ZZKogz6NeGn",
"transaction_success": false,
"transaction_result": "PENDING",
"transaction_time": 1705535538104,
"transaction_type": "EFT_DEBIT"
} |
Install the app
Shopify Settings
Select Payments
Select Search by Provider
Search for “Merrco Payments”
Select Merrco Payments Activate and Connect
Connect to PayHQ
Select settings within the Merrco Payments app
Enter your PayHQ login credentials
Enable both capture billing and shipping address
Select Activate
Partner Integration
Partner Code:
Please note that each partner will be assigned a three-letter word by Merrco Payfirma (please ask us if you require one).
To tag all transactions originating from your application, please send your assigned three-letter word
in the custom_id field in the sales request packet. This identifying word will help us to reconcile all data for
merchants using your application.
Sandbox Environment:
Create a Sandbox Account:
To create a sandbox account for testing, kindly proceed by completing the form accessible through the following link: Sandbox PayHQ Select "Request one today!" during the process.
Please note that all URLs mentioned in the API documentation point to our live environment. To point them
to our sandbox environment, all URLs in the format https://xxxx.payfirma.com need to be replaced with
https://sandbox-xxxx.payfirma.com, which will start pointing to the sandbox environment.
Test Processor:
The Test Processor is a simulated processor designed for testing purposes, featuring placeholder processing logic. Specific outcomes are triggered based on the following conditions:
All transactions with an odd amount (digits before decimals) will be approved.
All transactions with an even amount (digits before decimals) will be declined.
Refunds exceeding the actual sale amount will be declined.
Captures with an even amount will also be declined.
Special Cases:
$2.10 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to tokenize card information."
$2.20 will result in a decline with the reason "Email is required."
$2.30 will result in a decline with the reason "Missing mandatory card information field(s) in the request."
$2.40 will result in a decline with the reason "Transaction Not Supported."
$2.50 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to de-tokenize card information."
$2.60 will result in a decline with the reason "Failed to authorize."
Important info:
Production environment: https://hq.payfirma.com/#/login
Sandbox environment: https://sandbox.payfirma.com/#/login
Email: partnersupport@merrco.com